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ProGuides Newsletter March 2023 ERRATUM

Kia ora lovely people!

It just came to our attention (thanks Helen!) that there was a typo on the newsletter I sent last night (too late... brain was already asleep). The AGM is on 20 MAY and not 20 JUNE.

Also, I take this opportunity to share a letter that departing committee member Kristin wrote about her time in the committee - and thank you to the members who have already contacted us to offer to join next season, it is great to see involvement.

Kia Ora

There is something special about Pro Guides this is a place where I feel I really belong, and I hope you do too. As we all work on our manuhiri having the best time in Aotearoa.

Having been on the committee for 3 years has been a real privilege for me. My reasons for joining were for the future, I would like Pro Guides to have a strong say within the tourism industry working collaboratively and fostering partnerships. That one day every Guide wants and needs to be a member of ProGuides a bit like every builder being a member of Master builders. (of course this is a work in progress)

No one can do this on their own nor do I have the skills that are required for all this, and this is where the fun has come in.

Working with Wilhelm our Chair, Angela, Brian, Susanna and Jennifer Sloots. Not to mention passed committee members, has been the best. Not only have I made friends and heard all our different opinions, we have managed to get a lot done. Kept moving forward for our association. It is with delight for me that we are finally getting a new website, and have made huge inroads in collaborating with DOC (thanks to Brian). I have learned a lot and will really miss our committee as I step down as a committee member.

My husband and I have brought a small farm and I have been so busy on the road Tour Guiding which I love its time to let someone new in. Who knows one day I may want to be a part of the committee again.

Once again to all our committee thank you for letting me be me and be heard. Being on the committee I have gained more knowledge, new skills, heard about different points of view. While giving me more contacts within the tourism industry.

This is a great opportunity! for you, Pro guides needs new committee members who care about our professional community and are invested in making connections, and keeping us going.

If you are thinking this maybe you and you want to ask me any questions, please feel free to contact me 027 222 1796

Wishing you all the success within our Tourism industry!

Thankyou for another year of your support, LOVE BEING PART OF PROGUIDES!

Ngā mihi

Kristin Kinney

Cheers from Angela D'A-L, Membership Secretary and Web Admin.
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