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Fabulous Famil into the King Country

A small number of guides from Auckland enjoyed a great famil into the heart of King’s country, visiting Taumarunui, Te Kuiti, Waitomo and Hamilton.  Big thanks to Angela d’Aquaro, who organised the journey.  

Our first visit was the Morero Marae in Taumarunui, where we were given educational insights by Fiona Kahukura-Chase, including korero tikanga. Together with fellow guides from Forgotten World Adventures we learned a lot about the structures of Iwi, hapu and whanau and were served lovely kai and tea in the afternoon. Fiona & Morero Marae may offer overnight stays and genuine Maori cultural experience to manuhiri.

Morero Marae

Fiona Kahukura-Chase


Hakiaha Street, Taumarunui.


Next was a visit to Nevelea Alpaca Farm, which is a 15-minute drive from Taumarunui. We met owner Leonie and Neville Walker, who started their business back in 2007 with the purchase of two female alpacas, followed by a few more. Now they have over 1000 alpacas as well as sheep and cattle. They offer visitors ‘The Ultimate Alpaca Experience’ and have a range of different offers to choose. The 351-hectare property includes 150 hectares of native bush, which is home to many native wildlife including kiwis.

Nevalea Alpaca Farm

Leonie and Neville Walker

5446 State Highway 4, Taumarunui.

ph 07 896 6333


Dinner at Stoked in Te Kuiti with Colin Meads in the neighbourhood was a pleasure. Affordable prices and delicious food in a pub like atmosphere along the railway.

Stoked Eatery

127 Rora Street

 ph 07 878 8758


Overnight stay at

Waitomo Lodge Motel

62 Te Kumi Road

Te Kuiti 3910

ph 07 878 0003


The following day we discovered Shopppinton, a cluster of award-winning gift shops located in the middle of Te Kuiti, which offers unique and affordable gifts for the home and garden and is specialised in outdoor garden features.  The showrooms are a tribute to crafts people.


58 Te Kumi Road

Te Kuiti 3910

ph 07 878 6622


After leaving Te Kuiti, we were enjoying an extensive guided walk & talk with Pete from Spellbound Waitomo, a very good alternative to the well-known Waitomo Caves. Spellbound Glowworm Cave is a part of Mangawhitikau Cave, a significant cave of New Zealand and a national treasure. They offer entry to two caves: The Classic glowworm cave, with the boat ride, and the Cave of the Spirits, where one can see moa bones and spectacular geological formations (and a few glowworms still). Group size has a maximum of 12 people, the major point of difference to the Waitomo Glowworm Caves.

Duration 2 hours and 25 minutes

$ 95.00 per adult

$ 33.00 per child

Glowworm Cave Essential

Duration 1 hour 35 minutes

$ 70.00 per adult

$ 24 per child

As well as a

Spellbound Private Tour

Duration 2 hours 25 minute

$ 950.00 for up to 12 participants

Spellbound Ltd

Phone 0800 773 552


334 Boddies Rd, Oparure Te Kuiti 3981

Open daily – Booking is essential

We returned to Auckland via Hamilton Gardens where we inspected the new visitor centre. 18 different gardens can be explored. The latest addition is the Ancient Egyptian Garden and well worth a visit. 18 different garden types can be enjoyed at the moment, from Italian Renaissance to Japanese Garden of Contemplation. There is an entry fee for visitors, who don’t live in Hamilton.

$ 20 for single admission, (10% discount for SuperGold, Student ID)

$ 50.00 for an annual pass

Hamilton Gardens

Hungerford Cres Hamilton 3216

07 838 6782


Thoroughly enjoying the trip, the guides agreed that ProGuides famils are the best. Be encouraged to suggest new destinations, join in or organise. Knowledge is our asset.

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